

Utkarsh Unnikrishna is a Staff Microwave R&D Engineer with the Microwave Components Group at National Instruments – Silicon Valley (NISV) in Santa Clara, California. He has been a member of the IEEE since 2003 and is co-chair of the IMS Young Professionals Committee of IMS-2016. His research interests include Microwave and Millimeter-wave circuits and systems in 5G communication, automotive sensor systems, and test and measurement systems. He has published related papers in international conferences. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Mumbai University and a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California.

Millimeter Waves – A Gateway to the Future!

By: Utkarsh Unnikrishna, Tushar Sharma, Kiran Rajmohan and Irfan Ashiq.

The Young Professionals in Microwave is all set to make its youthful spirits felt again at the IMS to be held at SF Marriott Marquis on May 24th, 2016. Last year, in Phoenix, we had focused on entrepreneurs in the field of engineering sharing their experience on building a successful company. Picking a key focus area in today’s vibrant research landscape is typically a daunting task. But in this case, we had a clear winner. With all the excitement surrounding 5G, smarter vehicles, crisper and deeper imaging, defense technologies; millimeter-wave Technology and Research won the game hands down.

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