

A Scenic Marathon Route

In my previous blog, City Girl at Heart, I described the way in which San Francisco has shaped my life and instilled in me a love for the unique places and atmosphere that one finds in the hills and valleys along the Bay.  The sights and sounds of San Francisco, combined with the natural warmth and diversity of its people, leave a lasting impression on those who arrive for a brief visit as tourists, or the lucky ones who call this place 'home,' as I once did.  Whether by cable car or on foot, in an Uber or by bike in the green lane, an adventure around the City is typically an enriching, spontaneous experience.  Some of my most memorable (and oftentimes demanding) moments in San Francisco came during the annual marathon, a race that gives meaning to the term 'hill repeat' which describes the training required to make it, with a respectable time, to the finish line.

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993 Hits

This Year’s 1ST Time Exhibitors Bring a Global Offering of RF Products

The IMS, the exhibitor segment, is still thriving off of the proven formula of connecting academia, corporations and governments involved in the microwave and RF industry. This year’s host city, San Francisco, hopes to continue to break attendance records. The exhibition is almost completely sold out. For those not staying the entire week, it can be an overwhelming task to try to see and do everything that IMS has to offer.

Below is a quick snap shot of this year’s first time exhibitors. More than 30 new exhibitors hailing from Canada, China, Finland, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, United Kingdom as well as the USA. The companies offer a variety of RF and MW products. The mix of products spans from amplifiers to VNAs, and …iPhones? Yes, even Apple is jumping into the excitement of IMS!

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1258 Hits

Historically Speaking

The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) is a transnational professional society with more than 10,500 members and about 200 chapters worldwide. This society promotes the advancement of microwave theory and its applications, including RF, microwave, millimeter-wave, and terahertz technologies. The International Microwave Symposium (IMS) is the flagship conference of the MTT-S and is held annually in North America.

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1340 Hits

Now you see me, now you don’t!

The move to mmWave frequencies in 5G offers the promise of massive bandwidth.  But will it work?  This is the topic of my MicroApp keynote presentation “Now you see me, now you don’t!”, free to all attendees on Tuesday morning, 10:05 on the MicroApps stage.  We will explore where we are with mmWave radio links, provide a look at on- going research that will make it possible to use mmWave for 5G and offer opinions on how broadly mmWaves will be deployed and what challenges need to be overcome to make this a reality.

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1415 Hits

Millimeter Waves – A Gateway to the Future!

By: Utkarsh Unnikrishna, Tushar Sharma, Kiran Rajmohan and Irfan Ashiq.

The Young Professionals in Microwave is all set to make its youthful spirits felt again at the IMS to be held at SF Marriott Marquis on May 24th, 2016. Last year, in Phoenix, we had focused on entrepreneurs in the field of engineering sharing their experience on building a successful company. Picking a key focus area in today’s vibrant research landscape is typically a daunting task. But in this case, we had a clear winner. With all the excitement surrounding 5G, smarter vehicles, crisper and deeper imaging, defense technologies; millimeter-wave Technology and Research won the game hands down.

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1970 Hits